Summary of the property
Water, electricity and gas supplies are not included, we charge a fixed fee for supplies based on the annual history of the flat, you can see the amount in the sumará of payments. The accommodation does not have internet service.
If you have questions about how to book, you can consult our manual.
Apartment summary
If you wanted to rent an apartment with some friends that’s in a calm but well communicated area, you cannot let this opportunity pass by.
It has 3 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, a completely furnished living room with soda, armchair, TV and small dining area, as well as a fully equipped kitchen with everything you’ll need during your stay; included a microwave and washing machine.
Neighbourhood summary
It’s located in the Las Águilas neighborhood, in the Latina district. In the area you’ll find some shops and bars, as well as several parks, like the Las Cruces one, and the Aluche Sports Center, where you’ll be able to bath in the public pool if you stay in the summer.
If you have to use the train we recommend Fanjul (regional C5) train station since it’s closer. Using public transport you’ll easily access universities like the Rey Juan Carlos and the Complutense of Madrid.
General amenities
Availability of the flat
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |