Summary of the property
Water, electricity and gas supplies are not included, we charge a fixed fee for supplies based on the annual history of the flat, you can see the amount in the sumará of payments. The accommodation does not have internet service.
If you have questions about how to book, you can consult our manual.
Apartment summary
Looking for housing in the Delicias neighborhood? If so, you are in luck, because the MadridEasy team has the perfect apartment for you! We have this amazing place that has 3 spacious bedrooms, 1 fully equipped bathroom, a newly renovated kitchen with modern appliances, and an extremely comfortable living area, that's great for relaxing in.
Neighbourhood summary
This incredible apartment is located in the beautiful Delicias neighborhood. One of the most well-connected and artistic neighborhoods in the entire city, this neighborhood is perfect for anyone that is coming to stay in Madrid! Widely regarded as one of the most up and coming neighborhoods in Madrid, Delicias contains amazing restaurants, shops, and artwork, all located within walking distance from one another! The nearest metro stop is Legazpi (Line 3 and 6), which provides easy access to every zone in Madrid!
General amenities
Availability of the flat
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |